Instructions for Authors
1. Manuscripts
Manuscripts submitted for possible publication in the Journal should be work not published in full elsewhere. Information for submission of manuscripts can be found on the KGSS website ( Manuscripts for review should be submitted in electronic form only to the KGSS secretariat (
Manuscripts may be written in Korean or English, and must be carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling.
Symbols and(or) greek characters should be identified clearly.
Superscripts and subscripts should be legible and carefully placed.
Metric units or metric equivalents should be used with one blank space for the number associated . The symbols for degree or percent should be written without blank for the number.
Manuscripts must have the following organization :
① Specialized Area
② Title (Korean and English)
③ Author’s name (Korean and English)
④ Abstract (Korean and English)
⑤ Contents
⑥ Acknowledgment (If necessary)
⑦ Reference
⑧ Notation (If necessary)
⑨ Appendix (If necessary)
Equations must be set c1early in type and triple-spaced. A letter or symbol should represent only one entity and be used consistently throughout the paper. Each variable must be defined in the text. Numbers identifying equations must be in square brackets and placed flush with the right margin.
2. Title of manuscript
(1) The title of manuscript should be succinct and the sub-title can be used if necessary.
(2) In Korean manuscript, the English title is written under the Korean title. In English manuscript, the Korean title is
written under the English title.
(3) In English title, the first letter is always capitalized.
3. Name(s) of author(s)
(1) English name under Korean name for the manuscript in Korean.
(2) The corresponding author is displayed with ‘ * ’.
(3) Complete telephone number, fax number and email address of corresponding author on the footnote.
4. Abstract
(1) The abstract is a succinct summary of why and how the work was done, the salient results and their interpretation and
broader implications, and should not exceed 200 words.
5. Keywords
(1) Following the abstract, the keywords should be given under the Korean abstract in 4~6 words and separated by
6. Body of article
(1) Body of article should be divided 3 paragraphs (Introduction, Main, Conclusion).
(2) The section and paragraph should be divided as in example below.
(3) Figures
① The number and title of figures are marked on the bottom center of the figure.
② To take a period at the end of the number.
③ The first letter is always capitalized.
(4) Photos
① The minimum size of a photo is 75 x 100mm.
② A title mark and reporting position are based upon the figure.
(5) Tables
① The number and title of figures are marked on the upper left corner of the figure.
② To take a period at the end of the number.
③ The first letter is always capitalized.
(6) Acknowledgement
① Any financial support and academic advice for the study can be appreciated by citing the name of its organizations and persons.
(7) Quotation of references
The author and issued year should be written in ( ) when the reference is quoted in the body. In case the author is showed in the body, the issued year is written only. In case two or more references by one author are in same issued year, it should be differentiated by ‘a’, ‘b’ … behind the issued year. If there are several references for same quotation, the references are differentiated by (;). The first name and last name should be written in case of Korean reference, the last name is written in case of English reference. If there are two authors, both of two authors are marked. From 3 authors, the first author is marked such as “Omar et al.”. The following example shows the usage of spacing and punctuation.
7. Reference
Authors are requested to use the KGSS (Korean GeoSynthetics Society) citation style. KGSS in-text citations should include the author's last name followed by the year of publication. All publications cited in the text should be current in an alphabetical list of references at the end of the manuscript. Submitted articles can be listed as (author(s), unpublished data). See our website for more information. Authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of all references. Manuscripts will not be considered if they do not conform to the KGSS citation guidelines.
(1) If it is impossible to write the reference in English, the original can be written in order of Korean, Japanese, English, and other languages. The Korean references are arranged in order of 'Ga, Na, Da' of author's name, for Japanese reference, in 50 notes, for English and other languages, in alphabetical order. In case of Japanese reference written in Chinese letter, it is displayed in order of 'Ga, Na, Da'.
(2) If the first author's name is same, it is arranged in order of the second author's name. The reference without the second author comes in first.
(3) If the author's name is same, the references are arranged in order of issued year.
(4) Reference declare ;
(a) Article published in journal : Number, Author(Issued year), “Title”, Journal, issuer(Abroad), Volume, No., Page
(b) Article in single book : Number, Author(Issued year), Title, Issuer(Publisher), Pub. Place(Abroad), Page
(c) Report : Number, Author(Issued year), Title, Report No., Classification(No.), Place(Abroad), Page. (If the report has no English, it can be marked in original language.)
(d) Article of Transactions and Proceeding : Number, Author(Issued year), “Title”, Place(Transaction, Proceeding),
issuer(Publisher), Classification(No.), Venue(abroad), Page
(e) Dissertation : Number, Author(Granted year), Title, Degree, Institution, Place(Abroad), page