Publishing Policies
Manuscript Submission Regulations
1. Object
This regulation is aimed to rule submission of manuscript for Journal of the Korean GeoSynthetics Society (hereinafter called 'Society').
2. Eligibility
The submittal of journal is limited to the member of Society. In case of co-author with the member, a non-member is allowed to submit. Also, the submittal of a non-member can be accepted upon committee's decision.
3. Manuscript type
① Original Paper
② Technical Paper
4. Contents of the manuscript
The manuscript should not be published in other publications by principle. And the manuscript should contain a study paper, a technical development, and a case study to develop academy and techniques in geosynthetics field.
5. Submission
① The manuscript means original work which is not announced in other publication regardless of the language.
② The manuscript should be written by MS word or Hangul in Korean or in English.
③ The amount of manuscript should be within 10 printed pages including figures, tables, and pictures.
④ The file of manuscript including figures, tables, and pictures should be submitted to the manuscript secretariat by email.
6. Format
① The abstract concisely summarizing its scope and conclusion should be written in Korean and English. The amount of abstract should be in 200 words and the 4~6 keywords have to be presented.
② For the use of terminology and symbol, the author should select the terminology and symbols which are used in common in the area of expertise.
③ The format should follow all the manuscript regulations of Society.
7. Submission (Review) Charge
The charge of 45,000 KRW should be paid for one manuscript respectively.
8. Revision
① The manuscript for re-review should be submitted within 3 months after revision. In a case the extension application is submitted, it is possible to extend by 3 months.
② The manuscript which is confirmed to be published, should be submitted in electronic form including all the figures, tables and pictures.
9. Copyright
Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that they have read and agreed to the terms of the KGSS Press Author Copyright Agreement.
10. Authorship and ethical issues
For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors can be applied.
11. Others
All the criteria is based on the manuscript regulation and Committee's rule. Inquiries regarding the submission are handled in the bureau of Society.
Peer - Review Regulations
1. Object
This regulation is aimed to promote quality improvement of Journal of the Korean GeoSynthetics Society (hereinafter called 'Journal') along with the equitable review.
2. Review Process
① Select a committee person to review and request review (Within 2 weeks of manuscript submission)
② First-review result (Within 2 weeks of review request)
③ Manuscript revision request to be corrected(once received the first review result)
④ Receive revised manuscript (Within 6 months of revision request)
⑤ Revised manuscript request to be re-reviewed (Within 2 weeks of receiving the revised manuscript)
⑥ Re-review result (Within 2 weeks of re-review manuscript)
⑦ Decide adoption
Steps of ③, ④, ⑤, ⑥ are conducted only when needed.
3. Basic Review
① The editorial board of Journal requests a committee person to review whether the submitted manuscript qualifies the format regulation of the Society. In this review, the reviewer should refer to the checklist written by author.
② The reviewer should return the result of basic review to the Society within 2 weeks.
③ The comment of basic review should be sent to the author for revision. If there is not a comment, the manuscript is referred to official review.
4. Peer-review
① The editorial board appoints 3 related experts as the reviews based on the recommendation of the basic reviewer.
② The chairman should send the official letter, manuscript, and the review sheet to the reviewers. When the review is completed, 15,000 KRW is paid to the reviewer.
③ The reviewer should return the result of the review within 2 weeks from the requested date. If the period is passed without any further notice, the reviewer can be replaced.
④ Manuscript can be returned to the author for revision when the result from all 3 reviewer is submitted.
5. Review Standards
The review result comply with the clauses below;
① Adoption : The manuscript corresponding to 1-1 and 1-2 is published in the Journal.
1-1) In the first review, in a case two or more reviewer determined 'Adoption without revision' or 'Adoption after revision'.
1-2) In the second review after author's revision, in a case two or more reviewer determined 'Adoption without revision' or 'Adoption after revision'.
② Return : manuscript corresponding to 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3 is considered as non-publication and returned to the author.
2-1) In the first review, in a case two or more reviewers determined 'non-publication' or 'recommended as technical document'.
2-2) In the second review after author's revision, in a case two or more reviewer determined 'non-publication' or 'recommended as technical paper'.
2-3) In case two or more reviewers determined the manuscript is lack of creativity, or the subject is straying from the theme of the Journal or the manuscript includes a purpose for profit of specific individual or group.
③ The committee decides to re-peer-review in a case the manuscript is determined as 'Re-review after revision' over twotimes.
6. Claims
The author can appeal in a written paper or E-mail when the manuscript is determined as 'non-publication'. The chairman reviews and the committee deliberates on the appeals.
7. Others
All the criteria is based on the manuscript regulation and committee's rule.
Journal Publish Regulations
1. Object
This regulation is aimed to rule publication of the Journal of Korean GeoSynthetics Society (hereinafter called 'Journal').
2. Publish
Journal is published four times per year.
Journal No. Publish Date
No. 1 30th of March
No. 2 30th of June
No. 3 30th of September
No. 4 30th of December
3. Date of Receipt
The date of receipt is regarded as the arrival date in Korean GeoSynthetics Society. In a case the returned manuscript for revision is not re-submitted within 3 months, it is considered as invalid.
4. Date of Review and Completion
The date of Review is considered as the date of referred to judges by Korean GeoSynthetics Society. The date of completion is the arrival date of the final revised manuscript.
5. Process of Peer - Review
① The reviewed manuscript is published in the order in which they were received. The date of receipt, the review date, and the completion date are displayed together with the manuscript.
② When the manuscript is published in the Journal, 10 copies of the prints are provided with the author.
6. Publication Charges
The author will be notified of the estimated paper length upon receipt of the final manuscript. KGSS requires mandatory page charges of all papers to be published. The author will receive 30 reprints of the paper, and can download more file(PDF Format) on the KGSS website (
Articles : The mandatory paper charge is 75,000 Korea Won for 10 basic printed pages and 20,000 Korea Won per additional printed page.
Technical Papers : The mandatory paper charge is 45,000 Korea Won for 8 basic printed pages and 20,000 Korea Won per additional printed page.
7. Open Access
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
8. Others
All the criteria is based on the manuscript regulation and Committee's rule.